the rusty knot

the rusty knot north yoknapatawpha county (NYC)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

1970s Bikes in Yokna

Ok.  I am all consumed with all this americana, folk/work clothing business.  Handmade, well-wrought objects in general have always been an attraction to me.  Details details details.  But I have also always read ingrediants on absolutely everything, really since I was about 9 years old.  So I enjoy clothes of a certain ilk, watches, lamps, shoes, belts, hats, cars, slo foods and antiques/vintage furnishings, watches, clocks, yawn, ties oh my goodness, amongst other things.  All because of the details and context and place and that ever evasive term quality.  I am now fondly remembering bicycles.  That 70s Sears Free Spirit red white and blue bicentennial ten-speed, my green banana seated schwinn stingray, loved those bikes. Marked an era for me (ERA too).   Funny what bikes mean to you, I believe I remember them all.....some though have a special place in my memory bank, flying around the neighborhood, breeze in hair and all too hippy of an aesthetic, listening to ELO in Mississippi heat.  Do you remember the song, "Third rate romance, low rent rendevous"? I do.


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